Stratosphere -
Target Enumeration:
OS: Linux
User: e610b298611fa732fca1665a1c02336b
Root: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
Ports / Services / Software Versions Running
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 7.4p1 Debian 10+deb9u2 (protocol 2.0)
80/tcp open http
8080/tcp open http-proxy
Vulnerability Exploited:
Apache Struts vulnerability to read mysql database gives ssh password for user richard
Privilege Escalation:
User allowed to run python as sudoer
Python input() vulnerability allows root command execution
Exploiting the host:
Nmap (8080 is not included in screenshot)
Monitoring and manager discovered.
Manager is basic auth to tomcat manager
Bruteforce with intruder and a large wordlist (basic auth and all default creds) none worked
Dirb found /host-manager/ which was also bruteforced.
Nothing useful so far.
Enumerating /Monitor/ gives us a clue to a struts vuln.
Downloading the following script allows code execution
Executing the script gives you:
Find the tomcat users file
Now you have the password:
This was not useful.
Looking in the current root dir we see a file called db_cocnnect
Looking at the contents gives us some credentials
This did not work as a login so try admin admin and enumerate the database
This password works for the user richard
Sudo -l gives you
Looking at we can abuse the input() function to get a root shell using python2.7 specifically as a sudo user. It is also possible to crack all of the hashes however this does not give you a root shell as does not exist.
Enter the following command to get root.
Last updated