Basic Mobile Testing guide
Guide for setting up a mobile app test
Download IPA from IOS
Install app from the app store.
Login via ssh to the jailbroken iphone
Find the application on the phone
Now install zip
Now compress the app folder as a zip file and name it .ipa
Then copy to your attacker machine
Unzip and review the contents
Now you are free to send through mobSF etc.
Static Analysis
Check for bad strings
First install docker on whichever system you are using.
Install MOBSF
Upload .ipa/.apk and review results.
Check permissions and review all MOBSF findings
Review static files
Review permissions
Dynamic Analysis
Open burpsuite
Add proxy listener on all interfaces
Modify the proxy settings on the Android device to point to your Burp listening machine.
Ensure you save the settings.
Now you can intercept traffic to and from the app.
Walk the app and capture all of the traffic, once completed review proxy history and test accordingly.
Review data storage of app.
Endpoint Analysis
Review proxy history and follow typical API/ web application methodology to test.
Reverse Engineering IOS
Last updated